14 Science in the Classroom - part 2 by Jim Burr The Bible writers omitted the scientific errors of their time, and wrote scientific facts unknown than, and proven now.
15 The Little Bang Theory by Jim Burr Hundreds of finely tuned constants are essential for the survival of the universe and life on Earth.
16 The Large Hadron Collider by Jim Burr
The particles from the explosions produced with the collider go in a straight line, contrary to the Big Bang theory.
17 The Great Controversy by Jim Burr Lucifer accused God, who permitted him to mature his plans, that all intelligent creatures might see who's right/wrong.
18 The Theory of Evolution by Jim Burr
Some of the things they will not tell you at school/uni about Miller's experiment.
19 Our God is an Awesome God by Jim Burr
No human can give a formula for the center of three different masses in orbit. God did it for billions in our galaxy alone, and yet loves so much tiny beings like us.
20 Star of Bethlehem by Jim Burr
There is evidence that the star of Bethlehem could not have been a natural occurrence.