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Terms and Conditions

The Privacy Policy is part of these Terms and Conditions.

SM or Selected Messages = Selected Messages Pty. Ltd.

You = the entity (individual, organization, etc) which interacts with SM to acquire or offer products or services, or for any other reason. If an entity interacts with SM on your behalf, you are responsible to the outcomes even as if it was you interacting with SM directly.

Website = this, or any website owned by SM.

SM's logo (square rotated 45 degrees in a circle) and Selected Messages are trade marks of SM. Unless given written permission by SM, you should not use them (as trademarks). This website is copyrighted by SM, and some portions of it by their respective producers.

All products made by SM you may duplicate for yourself and others, provided you do not modify them, and offer them free of charge (not for any benefits in return). "Freely you have received, freely give."
If you want to upload or embed them on websites, or broadcast them, where ads are present, such as YouTube, you need to ask SM for permission.
In case you did not know, any original work is automatically copyrighted the moment it is done, even if this is not mentioned. To save you and SM time, speed up the process (since time is running out), and because most often producers don't give permission for their products to be duplicated, these notes were written here.

Some products offered by SM, and not made by it, permission is not given by the producer(s) to duplicate them; some only if an agreement is signed by you and SM (free of charge to you, obviously); and some may be duplicated and offered to others, provided it is done free of charge (not for any benefits in return), without the need to sign an agreement. To know which of the above applies to each product, see its page, the share page, or contact SM.
Sharing the products via links to this website, or pointing them to it some other way, that the recipients may order/download/etc themselves, is permitted for any item, of course.

3.1 Once sentence should suffice: SM is to treat you as if you were part of SM, or even better; and you should treat SM as if it belonged to you.

SM is not to raise a case against you without solid motives, and where it would have done the same to one of its staff; and you are not to raise a case against SM unless you would have done the same to yourself. SM will not be held accountable to what may result from your usage of its services, products or information, including referrals to other organizations. Once you have accepted a service, product or information from SM, the responsibility is passed to you. SM will only remain responsible for what it has promised to be in effect after the transaction is ended, such as warranty for its products.

SM finds no pleasure in writing these terms and conditions, but since some people unjustly hurt organizations, for the sake of those that might benefit from SM's activities, it has to. SM, on the other hand, is to treat you the same. You will not be held accountable for the services you incur or products/information you sell/give to SM. Once SM has accepted your item, you are free from responsibility except where you have provided ongoing support, etc, such as warranty. If justice will be used by both you and SM, things will run smoother than if five volumes of terms and conditions would have been written. And this is what SM desires you to understand and abide by.

4.1 Your usage of this website should be governed by a simple rule: "use it as if it was yours".

SM will not be held responsible to the outcome of your usage of this website. SM will not be held accountable if another body will break through the host's security system and as a result undesirable data be displayed as part of this website. SM has taken measures towards this end. In case it happens, SM will much appreciate your notice.

SM dislikes out of stock items or when their delivery is delayed. If it happens, SM may endeavor to solve the issue as soon as possible. Since SM depends on God for supplies, delivery, and anything else, it cannot guarantee what will be supplied, when and if. Certain is that the great Giver will supply all that is needed, from His point of view. He cannot make mistakes, nor run out of resources. Because of His infinite love, capacity and knowledge, His choosing might not be what we expect or desire. If, for example, He will not provide the necessary means, you might not receive anything at all since SM' only source of funds is from Him.

Depending on your location, etc, some items may vary. In some instances, you may receive other, more or less, items than what you have requested.

SM would like to know what new items you would like SM to offer, as well as preferred formats (text, video, audio). SM does not guarantee to satisfy your request. However, the chances may increase for a certain product to become available if it is requested.

SM provides all items and their postage free of charge. However it is not responsible for the following:
a) Damages the item(s) incur during transit.
b) Custom fees or any other fees that occur because of the item(s). You are responsible to pay any such fees. To avoid custom fees, order fewer items. SM intends to, whenever possible, marks the items as "gift", which justly should not incur custom fees. Yet if this will be or not the case, is beyond SM's control.
c) If you are not satisfied with the item(s), or for any other reason, you decide to return them to SM, or its agent, you will be responsible for all costs involved in their return. SM only grants the initial postage free of charge, and will cover the return costs only if it so desires.
d) SM reserves the right to post the items it considers best, when, to whom, and if it decides, even if it has promised to deliver them. Only God’s promises are 100% reliable. SM includes the human element, and thus nothing can be guaranteed.

Last noteworthy update: 30 July 2024.