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Marriage in God’s Hands 18

Money Matters

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Three money management principles from God’s word can aid much in increasing the happiness, harmony and financial freedom in our homes.


One of the top causes of conflict in marriages is over money. Three things will be addressed in this presentation which can make finances a stress in our marriages, or a blessing. The lifestyle we chose to live these days requires much money, which in turn damages our marriages for the sake of what money can buy – things. Tom and Alane made a choice to leave a bigger house in Chicago, and move to a smaller one in Montana (in the mountains). They chose to have less of things, and more of each other. And so their happiness increased. A man living in a big house told Tom once that he (Tom) is rich as he could see the happiness in his home, the happiness in his children, and how they love and respect him, etc. You cannot put a price on such things.

The first thing that helps in money management is putting God first. Malachi 3:10 “Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse…. and prove Me now herewith, saith the Lord of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.” This is both a command and a promise. God is asking us for 10% of what He has blessed us financially with to give back to Him to sustain His work on this earth. God does not need our money, as He owns everything. But what God knows is that it is more blessed to give than to receive. The promise is not that we will become rich if we return tithe, but He will take care of our needs. If you have not done this, do as God said and prove Him. Returning to God 10% should be a priority, just as spending time with God should be a priority.

Both Tom and Alane were earning money. They agreed that they will be agreed on how they will spend their money. “Can two walk together, except they be agreed?” (Amos 3:3). This principle brought harmony and union in their family. Problems that seem to be insurmountable occur usually when one or both spouses are self centred. Tom and Alane have never found problems that God could not resolve if they have been willing to come into agreement with God and each other. When “me” is in control, and money spent the way I want, bills, division, and even destruction of marriages can result.

The third principle is found in Romans 13:8: “Owe no man any things….” Tom and Alane have benefited greatly by doing their best to eliminate debt in their marriage as quickly as possible; as well as look for ways to stay out of debt. There is a difference between mortgage debt, where the value of the property usually increases, and other type of debt, such as buying furniture or car, whose value depreciates over time. Most of us cannot buy a house with cash; but we want to encourage you to decrease and remove that debt as quickly as possible. Ben Franklin said “When you run in debt, you give another power over your liberty.” The principle of love, as found in 1 Corinthians 13, of “seeketh not her own” will help us to avoid bringing debt upon the family.

We encourage you consider each of these three principles from God’s word and ask your self what am I willing to do, what are we willing to do together, to make these a reality. Are we willing to put God first and trust Him to meet our needs? Are we willing to agree together how to manage the finances? And lastly to own no man anything – to look for ways to be out of debt as quickly as possible.
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