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Can We Still Believe the Bible?

Can We Still Believe the Bible? | book image
by Bryan Ball

- Discover that the Bible is still authentic and reliable.
- The book is objective, compelling and practical. It is written in an easy to understand form, yet it manages well to prove that the Bible is trustworthy.

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Inspired by his regular interactions with a teen Bible class, Bryan Ball addresses these questions in the context of the beginning of the 21st century. Delving into the study of history, language, cultures, archaeology, prophecy and the world today, Can We Still Believe the Bible? will take you on a journey through the strongest evidence available to answer these vital questions.

"Coherent and compelling."
Dr Arthur Patrick, honorary senior research fellow,
Avondale College, NSW, Australia

“Clearly-focussed, convincing and impressive.”
Dr Ron Emmerson, Newbold College Church, UK

“Enjoyable and edifying.”
Pastor Jim Huzzey, Kings Langley, UK

Description from: Can We Still Believe the Bible?

So what’s it all about?

Chapter 1
Does it really matter? Seven reasons why it does

Chapter 2
The book that changed the world: How it came to us in English

Chapter 3
The most remarkable book ever written: Inspired and inspiring

Chapter 4
Fascinating discoveries in ancient lands: Archaeology confirms the Bible

Chapter 5
Who wrote the Bible? And do we have what was originally written?

Chapter 6
Prophecy speaks: Foretelling the future

Chapter 7
The Genius of Genesis: The question of Credibility

Chapter 8
Jesus of Nazareth: Messiah or madman?

All those “bottom lines”- and more

Code: SM 031 B CWSBB
ISBN: 978-1-921292-63-7
Pages: 193
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