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Marriage in God’s Hands 11

Prayers Of Love

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Prayers of love may have several components including: firstly ask God to change me, than pray for my spouse; ask God to change whoever is wrong when conflict arises; offer prayer of thankfulness for the blessing received through my spouse.


Many Christians don’t use prayer, which is the key to unlock the storehouse of heaven. Also some pray selfish prayers – asking God to change the other person.

In difficult situations, we should appeal to God in prayer; not necessarily praying for our spouse, but first praying for ourselves, our needs, asking Him to change our hearts; “change me, make me more sensitive, more understanding”, etc. First we need to pray for ourselves: “Lord, create in me a clean heart, renew a right Spirit within me, take out this stony heart and give me a heart of flesh”. Once we are prepared, than we can move on and pray for our spouse.

We should also make prayers of thankfulness, such as thanking God for the blessings received through our spouse, ideally in the morning. This will increase love for our spouse.

The third component of our prayers can be to ask God to change my heart if I’m wrong and my spouse’s heart if he/she is wrong. This takes away the responsibility from us to change the other person. Tom and Alane Waterers have experienced the power of such prayers of love, when God intervened as a response to them.

The fourth prayer of love that we can offer is when we are not sure if what we feel we need is a need or want. Than we can ask God, if it is a need, to put it on our spouse’s heart to fulfil that need.

The fifth area of prayers of love is to have special prayer with our spouse in the evening. Our prayers of love will have positive influence not only on us and our homes, but on others as well.

We encourage you to make commitments to make such prayers of love. So first, we need ask God to change me, as I need new conversion every day. We need to be thankful in our prayers. The third area is to ask God to change me if I am wrong or my spouse if he/she is wrong. God can change the other person, I cannot.
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