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The Final Events of Bible Prophecy

The Final Events of Bible Prophecy | DVD image
by Amazing Facts with Doug Batchelor

- Fascinating documentary on end time events, such as the rapture, the second coming, the millennium and more.
- Detailed information included in the bonus interactive computer based Bible prophecy study.

Watch it for free* here.
* so called free, since ads most likely will be present.

Alternative (better): DISCOVER Prophecy Seminar DVD set. The Final Events of Bible Prophecy is perhaps useful for those that are desensitized by Hollywood-like productions; or with little interest in prophecy/current events, as it is short and visually flavored.
FREE + free worldwide delivery, provided you have done your best to obtain them elsewhere. SELECTED MESSAGES is to be your last resort. Expect extensive delay. To download, see below. No permission is given to sell them. "Freely you have received, freely give."
Once this DVD is out of stock, most probably SM will no longer offer it, or remove immediately the ability to order.

  • Details
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The Final Events of Bible Prophecy DVD unlocks the amazing Bible truth of earth’s last days. Discover what the Bible really says about the rapture, the millennium, the second coming and more! Stunning visuals and special effects lead viewers through the last days to when the earth will be restored to its Edenic wonder!

Bonus Computer Program (for MAC and PC)
- Interactive Bible encyclopedia on last-day events
- Informative pop-ups & animations
- Audio clips answer tough Bible questions

Description from The Final Events of Bible Prophecy

1 Final Signs
2 World Polarized
3 Probation Closes
4 The King Returns
5 Millennium
6 The End of Sin
7 New Earth

Code: SM 006 D FE
ISBN: 1-58019-186-X
Duration: 43 minutes
Region: 0 (universal)
Translated in: Audio: Bulgarian, English, French, Mandarin Chinese, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish; Subtitles: Danish, English, Norwegian and Swedish
One of the few items on this website that is not available for download.

Downloadable alternative: DISCOVER Prophecy Seminar. Much more comprehensive, and therefore much longer.