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Hidden Truth: Amazing Bible Facts Revealed!

Hidden Truth: Amazing Bible Facts Revealed! | magazine image
by Amazing Facts

- Discover what the Bible really says about the devil, salvation, the end of the world, what happens after death, and more.
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Can the Bible Be Trusted?
Is the Bible more than just a collection of fables and legends? Can it be trusted for historical accuracy and spiritual guidance? Find out if this best-seller is truly divine revelation or just another ancient tabloid.

Did a Loving God Make a Devil?
The devil is called by many names – evil, cruel, liar, and murderer. But does the Bible teach that this prince of darkness is real, and if so, where did he come from? It’s everything you need to know about the devil but were afraid to ask!

How Does Jesus Save?
You’ve heard about Jesus’ revolutionary teachings, generous love, and cruel execution. But were His teachings more than sage advice and was His death more than another brutal murder? A real must-read!

How Will the World End?
Nuclear Armageddon? Millions disappearing? It’s the most fantastic moment in earth’s history, yet many have been deceived about this coming climactic event. Find out what the Bible really says about Jesus’ glorious return.

Deadly Distortions & Blazing Blunders!
Will bad people burn forever? Are disembodied souls spying on your every move? Get the straight scriptural truth about these very dangerous deceptions regarding God’s character. You will never be the same!

The Forgotten Law
Are the 10 Commandments more than just 10 good recommendations? Does Jesus’ grace truly erase God’s law? Discover the Bible facts about these and the most controversial and neglected law of God.

Heavenly Health
Is heaven really cloud-hopping with a harp 24/7? What is it going to look like? Take a virtual tour of what’s in store for the faithful, and find out why God says that treating your body wisely today can have eternal benefits.

Description from Hidden Truth: Amazing Bible Facts Revealed

1. Can the Bible Be Trusted?
2. Did a Loving God Make a Devil?
3. How Does Jesus Save?
4. How Will the World End?
5. Deadly Distortions & Blazing Blunders!
6. The Forgotten Law
7. Heavenly Health

Code: SM 040 M HT
Pages: 39
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