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Conflict of the Ages Series

Conflict of the Ages Series | mp3 DVD image
by Ellen G. White

- For six thousand years planet Earth has been the center of the cosmic conflict between good and evil. This DVD contains the five books in the series that comments in detail most of the Bible. The books are: Patriarchs and Prophets, Prophets and Kings, The Desire of Ages, The Acts of the Apostles and the Great Controversy.
- This mp3 DVD contains seven audio books and a prophecy seminar.
FREE + free worldwide delivery, provided you have done your best to obtain them elsewhere. SELECTED MESSAGES is to be your last resort. Expect extensive delay. PO boxes are not ideal. Please do not order more than 4 items today (need more? explain why here), or re-order before you've studied/shared them. To download, see below. No permission is given to sell them. "Freely you have received, freely give."

  • Details
  • Download
BOOK 1. Patriarchs and Prophets
BOOK 2. Prophets and Kings
BOOK 3. The Desire of Ages
BOOK 4. The Acts of the Apostles
BOOK 5. The Great Controversy

The Ministry of Healing
Steps to Christ
DISCOVER Prophecy Seminar by David Asscherick

Code: SM 051 D CAS
Text downloads
BOOK 1. Patriarchs and Prophets | HQ | 2 MB
BOOK 2. Prophets and Kings | HQ | 1.7 MB
BOOK 3. The Desire of Ages | HQ | 2 MB
BOOK 4. The Acts of the Apostles | HQ | 1.2 MB
BOOK 5. The Great Controversy | HQ | 1.8 MB
The Ministry of Healing | HQ | 1.1 MB
Steps to Christ | HQ | 427 KB

Audio downloads
BOOK 1. Patriarchs and Prophets | MQ | 825 MB
BOOK 2. Prophets and Kings | MQ | 514 MB
BOOK 3. The Desire of Ages | HQ | 1.9 GB
BOOK 4. The Acts of the Apostles | MQ | 425 MB
BOOK 5. The Great Controversy | HQ | 1.5 GB
The Ministry of Healing | MQ | 399 MB
Steps to Christ | HQ | 219 MB
DISCOVER Prophecy Seminar by David Asscherick | MQ | 472 MB