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If you would like to partner with, or be part of, SELECTED MESSAGES to spread the good news of God's character and sacrifice, as well as vital truth for this generation, in your country/language, and beyond, than this is good news. You may contact SELECTED MESSAGES today to discuss* how you may assist, or be assisted, in the most important work given to humans. Thank you.


1: Fulfillment of orders, especially by persons residing in USA. The means can be provided to you, while you can help with your time. Its flexible, and not difficult - almost anyone can do it.

2: Writing short descriptions of video presentations, that they may be made available online. You may choose from a variety of topics such as health, kids' programs, parenting, spirituality, etc. The videos will be made available to you to watch (by post if you don't have enough data to watch/download online). Its flexible and not difficult, and most probably you will learn valuable principles too. Currently only available in English. However, if you would like presentations in other languages, SELECTED MESSAGES is much interested, since not everyone knows English, and all must be informed in order to make informed decisions - soon.

3: Inform others of what is offered on this website, such as sharing links with them to material that may benefit them.

*Christ is the General, we all are soldiers. Therefore we are to, by prayer and the leading of the Holy Spirit, to discuss how the work, God commanded us to do, is to be accomplished. God has given each person different gifts, and therefore none are to dictate to others what and how they are to work; rather be willing to renounce their plans and views, when right to do so (we should never sacrifice principle, God’s express command). God alone is perfect and complete, and the Owner of everything. If you want to partner with, or be part of, SELECTED MESSAGES, you are invited not only to work on the accomplishment of plans, but also be part of the decision making, your input not only being welcome, but needed. Why? See Matthew 18:18 - 20; 1 Corinthians 12; Selected Messages Book 3, page 24.4 - 25.2

May we never forget the “more excellent” way – the only way – as clearly presented in 1 Corinthians 13.

The heart in which Christ lives, cannot but make Him known to others, irrespective of the cost. And how can one receive Him without knowing Him? Here The Desire of Ages is priceless (available free of charge on this website).

Our desire is that all souls that are to be saved, will be saved through the instrumentality of people such as you, and only/if such souls will not be saved through the instrumentality of others, than to be saved through the instrumentality of SELECTED MESSAGES. Why? Because “the loss of even one soul is a calamity infinitely outweighing the gains and treasures of a world” (The Great Controversy page 20); and because your chance to live for ever, and your joy in eternity, will increase proportionate to your involvement in the salvation of souls, provided this is prompted by love for them. In other words: desire A: as many souls as possible to be saved through others/you (for their/your sake, now and in eternity especially); desire B: whatever is not done by others for the salvation of souls, to be done through SELECTED MESSAGES (for God’s sake, and that of those souls (that otherwise will be lost), now and in eternity especially).

O that we might realize that very soon the destiny of all humans will be forever sealed, and never throughout eternity will be given even one moment to work for the salvation of humans, for whom the infinite God – precious Jesus, the One altogether lovely – in Gethsemane, has decided to “save man at any cost to Himself.” The Desire of Ages page 690

“We are living in the most solemn period of this world's history. The destiny of earth's teeming multitudes is about to be decided. Our own future well-being and also the salvation of other souls depend upon the course which we now pursue.” The Great Controversy, page 601.

If not today, then when?